Van Appeal

Please help! We need a new van.

Sufra NW London’s van has broken down. It is now too costly to repair.

During its 4 years at Sufra NW London, it has driven 42,500 miles, transported over 400 tonnes of food and helped us provide nearly half a million meals to families experiencing food poverty.

Our van is an indispensable member of the team – the Food Bank simply cannot operate without reliable and efficient transport to collect food donations from across North-West London.

We are currently renting a van, but this costs more than £800/month. In the next 3 months, we must raise £20,000 to purchase a new vehicle.

Please click here to donate:

A New Van for a New Year. Let’s fight food poverty together.

#VanAppeal #FightFoodPoverty

ONE Tonne Walk

Help us raise funds by joining in on our ONE tonne walk!

On Saturday 10 November 2018, we have a major food collection at Asda Wembley Park. How will we get 1 tonne of donated food to the Food Bank?

We will carry it by hand.

Click here to find out more and sign up


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