Donate Money

Gift Aid is a simple way of giving to charity. It is a scheme introduced by HM Revenue & Customs, which allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer.

For every £1 you donate, we can claim an extra 25p of tax, at no extra cost to you.

All you need to do is make a one-off declaration. You can let us know you wish to Gift Aid your donation by filling in this Gift Aid form or by ticking the Gift Aid box when making a donation online.

Emergency Aid Fund

Many of the individuals and families who access Sufra NW London’s services are in a condition of extreme financial hardship and/or destitution. Whilst the charity provides in-kind donations of food, toiletries and clothing, some guests require additional financial support to pay for essential travel, electricity meter top-up or emergency accommodation.

By donating to this restricted fund, you can help us support our neighbours, such as the single mother who's just lost her job, the asylum seeker who's facing homelessness, or the pensioner who's using up his last savings on heating bills.

Fighting against poverty, for our community.

Donate to our Emergency Aid Fund

Community Kitchen Sponsorship

You can sponsor one or more of our Community Kitchens and help provide nutritious food to people in crisis, in a safe and supportive environment. We currently operate two regular Community Kitchen sessions a week from different venues in Brent.

The people and families who attend are usually homeless or socially isolated, or food bank guests living in poverty and experiencing crisis.

Please email
for more information

Hot Meal Challenge App

Sufra NW London have launched a new app in partnership with developer Fabio Richter.

The Hot Meal Challenge app is encouraging university students in the UK to donate a hot meal to Sufra guests and help prevent poverty in NW London.

How does the challenge work?

Donate a hot meal (£5.50)
Challenge 3 friends to donate (they have 24 hours to accept)
Share your donation award on your Instagram Story and tag your nominees

The app is available to download from the Apple store now.

Event Sponsorship

Are you taking part in a charitable hike, race or marathon? Would you like to raise money for Sufra at the same time?

Sufra can support with promoting your donation page on Enthuse or JustGiving, sponsoring your entry or giving you Sufra merch so you can rep us on the day.

In the past, we have supported entrants of the Kensal Tri and the London Marathon.

You can encourage your friends and family to get involved with you – or sign up to make new friends. Email us for more information.

Get in Touch

Latest News

CWS Open Day

In anticipation of the service launch, we hosted a Community Wellbeing Service (CWS) Open Day for all of our volunteers, partners and local organisations to learn more about the service.

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Sufra NW London Impact Report 2023-24

Presenting Sufra's Impact Report 2023-24! As always, we're committed to providing emergency relief and holistic support through the diverse services outlined in this report.

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