Tell the New PM to End the Need for Food Banks!

Credit: Mary Turner for IFAN at Sufra NW London

*Action Required*


Please join Sufra NW London in supporting a campaign to tell the new Prime Minister to ensure everyone has enough income to live in dignity – without relying on food banks.   

If you are a food bank volunteer, staff member or trustee, you can add your name to a growing list of signatures being collected as part of this UK-wide campaign by the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN), Trussell Trust and Feeding Britain 

Together with hundreds of people working and volunteering with food banks, food pantries, food clubs, social supermarkets, soup kitchens and community kitchens, you will be adding your signature to a joint letter to the new Prime Minister.  

The letter asks those in power to ensure that everyone has access to sufficient income, through appropriate work and social security support, to be able to live without relying on charitable hand-outs. 

In its first 3 days after being published, already 650 people have signed. We know that the Sufra Family can add a hundred more signatures to an incredibly important campaign.  

Please click here to sign and then and share the link widely with your networks. 

[maxbutton id="2" url="" text="Sign the Letter" ]

Read the letter in full here: 

Dear Prime Minister  

We work and volunteer in many of the thousands of food banks, food pantries, food clubs, social supermarkets, soup kitchens and community kitchens in communities across the UK. 

Over the last decade, increasing numbers of people have been pushed to the doors of food banks and other charitable food aid providers because they haven’t got enough money to buy food and other essentials.  Since the cut to Universal Credit in October 2021 and the deepening cost of living crisis, the need for charitable food aid has steadily increased, reaching unprecedented levels. 

People who were already unable to afford food are being hit the hardest by relentless rises in energy, food, and travel costs. Every day we meet people who are skipping meals so they can feed their children and turning off their cooker or fridge so they can cover other essential costs. People who used to donate to food banks are now needing to seek our support. And the next 12 months look bleaker still. 

Many of our teams are struggling to cope as demand for our support outstrips our food and financial donations and we are forced to make difficult decisions about how we operate. We are overstretched and exhausted. Many of our organisations are at breaking point. 

No-one should have to turn to charity to feed themselves and their families. 

You have the power to reduce the need for our services. 

As our new Prime Minister, we call on you to take urgent action to end the need for charitable food aid by ensuring everyone has enough income, from work and social security, to buy the essentials. 

Yours sincerely, 


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