Summer Activities Programme

“There’s a hundred and four days of summer vacation, ’til school comes along just to end it, so the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it…” – Phineas and Ferb

Sufra are hosting a Summer Activities Programme for 2 weeks this summer, with funding from Social Farms & Gardens.


FIRE KITCHEN: Children will learn how to build, light, maintain and cook over a fire.

FORAGING: Children will learn the benefits of how to safely forage in the community garden, looking for plants such
as wild garlic, nettles, blackberries and elderflower.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Children will learn how to make an musical instrument from natural materials, like wood.

TOOL WORK: Children will learn how to use a saw, hammer and drill to create woodland bug hotels.


– This programme is available and free to all families however priority will be offered to families in receipt of any government benefits and free school meals.
– Suitable for children aged 6-11 years


*Your child can only attend one week

Week 1: Monday 31st July to Thursday 3rd August
Week 2: Monday 14th August to 17th August

Days: Monday to Thursday
Time: 10am to 3pm

Sign up here!

For more information, please email

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