Sufra Launches Coronavirus Emergency Appeal

Coronavirus Emergency Appeal at Sufra NW London

It’s the last thing we need when demand for emergency food aid is at the highest level in our history: COVID-19.

While some people are fighting over the last toilet roll in their supermarket, the donations we rely on to keep the food bank open are dwindling.

We are struggling to buy the food and toiletries we need to help homeless people and families experiencing hunger – many of the essential items we need are out of stock.

"The Perfect Storm"

The families we support simply can’t afford to panic buy and hoard food, they’re already knocking on our door in search of basic supplies. But this is just the tip of the iceberg...

The UK is now on the precipice of a recession, which means financial donations to Sufra will soon start declining, while poverty and inequality increase and demand for emergency food aid continues to rise.

Add to this Universal Credit, low wages, unaffordable rent and the impact of Brexit on food prices, and you can see why this really is such a toxic environment for a food bank like Sufra - and the people who depend on us.

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That’s why we’ve launched a Coronavirus Emergency Appeal to ask for your support during this extraordinary period of crisis. Click here to donate.

Every £10 you give will provide an emergency food parcel to someone in desperate need, while £50 will feed and supply a family of four. This includes nappies, milk and nutritious food for babies - essential needs for a family with children.

But what we desperately need in this economic downturn is long-term support. Please consider setting up a monthly standing order through this page so that we can continue to address the most pressing needs of those who walk through our doors.

Alternatively, you can send us a food items through an online shop - find out how here.

This is a fast changing situation, please sign up to our newsletter and follow us on social media to keep up to date on how we are dealing with the crisis.

Remember: food banks shouldn't exist in one of the world's richest countries - they are a sign of gross injustice and contravene the basic human right to food. Please consider asking your MP to urgently address the root causes of the poverty driving people to food banks - you can find out how to do that here

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