Ramadan Giving Calendar 2022

To mark the Muslim month of Ramadan, we’ve put together a Ramadan Giving Calendar for children to get into the habit of giving regularly to charity.

How does it work?

  1. Download the Ramadan Giving Calendar using the link below.
  2. Before the start of Ramadan, make a large box and stick the calendar on to it.
  3. Every day during Ramadan, look at your calendar and put the item listed each day in your box.
  4. By the end of the month your box will be full, and you can deliver it to Sufra NW London to give to a poor family.
  5. We will send you a certificate and present to thank you for your donation at the end of Ramadan.

If you’d like your children to take part, download a copy of our Ramadan Giving Calendar here.

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