Guest Blog Post: Metroland Cultures x Sufra

On Saturday 29th July, Sufra welcomed the community to its Summer Garden Party. It was a gathering brimming with energy and enthusiasm. Sufra kindly invited Sean Roy Parker and the Metroland Cultures team to chat to people about the new With Us All project. They will be partnering with us to build a bright and welcoming glasshouse made of reclaimed windows and discarded wood in St. Raphael’s Edible Garden.

The aim of the project is to encourage garden-goers to closely explore non-human life such as birds, plants and even microbes in the compost. The glasshouse will also provide a place for calm and retreat.

We need your help!

We will be gathering a selection of items so that the project can be made with pre-existing materials. Do you have any of the following items laying around?

In exchange donating these items, donors will be given a wooden token handmade by Roy. This can then be exchanged for fresh produce at St. Raphael’s Edible Garden after the harvest.

Please drop any items off at Sufra’s main office (160 Pitfield Way, Stonebridge, NW10 0PW) any time between Monday-Friday 10am-5pm OR at our St. Raph’s Garden Market on Saturdays between 12-2pm.

Sufra, Roy and Metroland will be hosting three workshops at St. Raphael’s Edible Garden:

  • Observing / Writing – Sharing texts about nature, using instructional language and inventing prompts for exploring relationships with nonhuman neighbours.
  • Tasting / Healing – Identifying wild plants and foraging herbs from the garden with medicinal properties. We will make teas, snacks and skin balms.
  • Building / Fixing – using leftover materials, we will safely use hand tools and power tools to help construct the glass house on site.

Our first workshop on Observing / Writing will be held on Sat 26 Aug, 12-2pm and led by Priya Jay. Check back here soon to see how you can sign up and for more info on future workshops!

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