Christmas Advent Giving Calendar 

Everyone loves an advent calendar. Popping the chocolates out each morning until the 24th is one of life's great pleasures! This year at Sufra we’re mixing it up with an advent giving calendar. Instead of receiving gifts, our advent calendar asks you to donate a different food item every day in advent. By the 24th  December, you will have collected the contents of one of our food parcels.  

You can take part individually, with your family or with your friends. We think it’s a great thing for workplaces, restaurants, and religious institutes to complete as a team. How does it work? 

How to get involved 

  1. Download the Advent Giving Calendar using the link.
  2. Before the start of Advent, make a large box and stick the calendar on to it. 
  3. Every day, look at your calendar and put the item marked in RED in your box. Don’t forget to tag us on social media as well #Adventbutgiving.
  4. By the 24th, your box will be full, and you can deliver it to Sufra NW London either before or after Christmas. 
  5. We will send you a certificate to thank you for your donation. 

Why it is important 

Winter is always an extremely busy time for Food Banks. This winter in particular is going to be tough with the Universal Credit cut and increases in food and gas prices. Your food aid support is essential to us being able to support people who would otherwise go hungry this Christmas.  

The logistics 

You’ll be able to drop off your donations to Sufra before or after Christmas. Sufra is based at 160 Pitfield Way, Stonebridge, London, NW10 0PW. If you have further questions, please contact us on 020 3441 1335 or 

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