Cheryl and Ace – an advice story

A few months ago, our Advice Team came across Cheryl. She had been living with her partner and their young child in accommodation rented by her partner. After her partner left and stopped paying bills, the landlord began sending eviction letters and eventually started court proceedings against Cheryl’s ex-partner. This left Cheryl and her son at risk of imminent street homelessness. She is a Grenadian national who had overstayed her visitor’s visa and had lost her passport.

When I first came to Sufra, I was really scared I didn’t know what to expect. I spoke to a lady on the front desk explaining my situation to her, her response to me was my case is somewhat complex and I should return the following Tuesday to speak to someone who might be able to help. I left crying and was somewhat hesitant to go back however, I just knew someone might be able to help. I returned the following Tuesday and was greeted by Zena.

OH MY GOD Zena is such an amazingly warm-hearted woman. She listened, she showed compassion and never judged me. I felt vulnerable but comfortable to finally say what I was going through and how I felt. She changed my life that day. She later introduced me to her team, Sarah and Amina – young but were motivated to help and changed my situation. It was just unbelievable how they would check up on me, to give me updates on my case or just to reassure me that they were available if I needed help in any regards. The help and assistance Ace and I received from Sufra has changed our life immensely. I am living a better, dignified life.

The food parcels contributed to proper, healthier meals. Without the support from Sufra I might have been on the streets of London. The very thought of this brings tears to my eyes.

As a Christian of Catholic faith, Sufra as an organisation particularly Zena, Amina and Sarah will always be in my prayers. I pray for good health, blessings and prosperity.

Thanks for your support the world needs more people like you.

— Cheryl and Ace

Sufra had covered the cost of her passport replacement, referred her to Project17 and Advice For Renters, provided Oyster top-ups for travel costs and a portable heater to alleviate heating costs.

The issues facing our guests could happen to anyone. By supporting Sufra, you can help support people in your community who go through hard times and a change of circumstance.

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