Ten Fundraising Ideas!

Hello wonderful people. Check out some of these creative fundraising ideas and see how you can help us!

Every year, we provide nearly 4,000 people with emergency food aid, a figure that wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of donors and volunteers who support our mission. However, we’re always looking to get other community members involved in helping us fight hunger, poverty and social isolation in London. If you want to be a part of our work, consider rallying your friends and family and planning your own fundraiser for Sufra NW London! To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of ten unique fundraising ideas that are sure to bring the community together behind this common cause.




1. Trivia night

Gather up your friends and head to your favourite pub or restaurant for a fundraising trivia night! Most restaurants would be happy to host the event on an off night, like Wednesdays, with the business it’s likely to bring in, so don’t be afraid to reach out to a few different places. You can either hire a trivia DJ or write your own questions and host the even yourself. Charge £5 at the door, encourage teams to come up with creative names and have fun!


2. Community jumble sale

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! Encourage your neighbours to clean out their homes and donate items they no longer use to a community jumble sale. Spread fliers and go door-to-door to invite the rest of the community to shop through the collection. Old clothing, jewellery, movies and home decor can often be repurposed by new eyes and typically make great items to sell.


3. Used book sale

In a similar idea, ask your local library to host a used book sale. They’ll likely have some books that they’re trying to take out of circulation and might donate them for the cause. You can also set up collection bins throughout the library in the weeks prior to the sale so patrons can bring in their own books to donate. You can man the table yourself, invite library patrons to peruse the selection and sell each book for a low fee.


4. Battle of the bands

Gather your musically-talented friends and neighbours for a battle of the bands that showcases local talent. Reserve a large community space, like an auditorium, and bring in about five local bands and musicians to perform for a great cause. Keep in mind that with a larger event like this, selling tickets ahead of time could make it much easier to stay organised and keep better track of funds.


5. Floating lantern night

Floating lanterns are a beautiful sight and can be pretty moving when set off in a big group. Gather community members in a local park at dusk so you can all light their lanterns, make a wish and send them off together. You can cheaply buy lanterns in bulk and sell them at a higher price to make a profit for the fundraiser. This would also be a great event to set up a small bake sale to double your proceeds!


6. Pub crawl

Pub crawls are the perfect way to meet new people and enjoy local fare while supporting a great cause. Find three to four nearby pubs that would be interested in participating, sell tickets beforehand, and guide your group to each stop. Ask local musicians to join in the fun and play a song or two throughout the event to set the scene for a memorable night.


7. Themed 5k run/walk

Themed races are great fundraisers because they can bring in a lot of participation and include the whole community in the fun. Reach out to a local park to ask for exclusive access one morning and spread the word! You can charge a base fee for participation or encourage runners to fundraise themselves. Ask local businesses to donate small prizes or gift cards to award for the fastest finish or craziest costume and add even more fun to the event!


8. Corporate football tournament

Organising a community football tournament is a great way to bring athletes and sports lovers together in the spirit of giving. Encourage local companies to draft teams of employees and fundraise for the event, then host a tournament to find out who has the best team! This is a great way to get local businesses involved and spread the word about Sufra NW London’s work.


9. Community movie night

In the warmer months, a community movie night is a cheap, but fun, way to fundraise within your area. You can either set up a projector and large sheet or rent an inflatable movie screen to show classic movies in a local park or beach. You could also consider selling popcorn and drinks to boost your funds.


10. Carnival

What better way to bring the community together than hosting a fun day for families that’s fueled by a good cause? Enlist some friends or local companies to set up booths with games, prizes and donation boxes. Bonus points if you can get a local celebrity or two to consider participating in a dunk tank or pie throwing competition!

Whether your fundraiser brings in £10 or £10,000, we always appreciate your support and contribution to our mission.

Good luck and all the best,

Love from the all the Sufra Family!

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